What can we find in the administrator's dashboard?

What can we find in the administrator's dashboard?

The maintenance manager can always be up-to-date with the state of the company's maintenance by accessing the initial dashboard that displays data, tasks and indicators. 

There are two types of dashboard on this page:  the management dashboard and the operational dashboard. 

Management Dashboard

In the management dashboard you can find various information: 
  1. Management indicators with the corresponding graphics:
    1. Requests - total number of requests created on the current year is presented (except canceled);
      1. Year - total number of requests per month vs. previous period.
      2. State - total number of requests per state.
      3. Type - total number of requests per request type.
    2. Preventive - total number of preventive maintenance events expected for the current year is presented;
      1. Year - total number of preventives per month vs. previous period.
      2. Execution - number of preventives Planned vs. Executed, per month. Previously, we present the execution percentage.The % of execution is calculated as follows: (total number of events executed/total number of events (annual))*100.
    3. Work Orders - total number of work orders for the current year (the canceled WOs are not included);
      1. Year - total number of work orders per month vs. previous period.
      2. State - total number of work orders per state.
      3. Type - total number of work orders per work orders type. 
    4. Service Level Agreement (SLA)* - % SLA compliance of the current year; 
      1. Year - percentage of work orders compliant with the SLA per month vs. previous period.
      2. Type - percentage of work orders compliant with the SLA per work order type vs. previous period.
    5. Average Response Time** - average response times to the Work Orders on the current year;
      1. Year - average response times in hours per period of the current year;
      2. Type - average response times in hours per period of the current year per work order type;
    6. Costs - total number of costs for the current year (includes labor costs, material consumption and misc. costs.);
      1. Cost - total de costs per period of the current year per cost type;
      2. Type - total costs per work order type of the current year vs. previous year;
      3. Year - total costs per current year vs. previous year;
  2. An insights area with relevant information on the organization: 
    1. Preventive Maintenance - number of preventive maintenances approved whose projection end date is expected on the next 30 days; 
    2. Work Orders - number of WOs that are pending to close for more than 30 days, that is, that are on the predecessor state configured as final state for more than 30 days;
    3. Down Time - the number of locations, tools, and equipment that have a down time record with a start date of over 7 days and that do not have an expected end date.  
 *The SLA indicator matches this year's SLA's global compliance percentage and variation regarding the previous year (only for WOs).  
It is worth mentioning that the value is cumulative, that is, it includes the SLA calculation since the start of the year until that month. The formula is: no. of WOs compliant with the SLA/total no. of WOs.  
A Work Order complies with the Service Level Agreement if the end date is met and if it is before the expected end date. If the SLA end date is not filled in, it is only compliant if it is before the current date.  
For this indicator, only the WOs with the SLA start date filled in and that are not on the state "canceled" are considered. 

 **The approval time is the difference between the WO creation date and the date of the first transition for a state that allows assignments.  
The opening time is the difference between the date of the first transition for a state that allows assignments and the date of the first transition for a state that allows work reports.  
The execution time is the difference between the date of the first transition for a state that allows work reports and the WO SLA end date.  

Operational Dashboard

The operational dashboard displays various data such as: 
  1. Requests Due - total number of requests in a state other than "final" or "cancelled" without an associated Work Order. 
  2. Events Due - total number of preventive maintenance events without an associated Work Order. 
  3. WOs Due - the total number of WOs that are unassigned and not yet completed or cancelled. 
Each of the above is divided into 4 sections: 
  1. Older - corresponds to all records until the beginning of the current week; 
  2. This Week - corresponds to all records of this week; 
  3. Next Week - corresponds to all the records of the next week; 
  4. Future - corresponds to all records to follow next week. 
The filter used to match each record with its corresponding field is the Expected Date filter.´ 
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