How to invite a user and download Valuekeep's Apps?

First login flow: add user | Accept invite | first login | Download App

Inviting users and downloading our Apps is very simple and can be done in a matter of minutes. 

Adding a user
The subscription manager will click on profile > users to add a user.

Selecting role
Enter the name and email of the user about to be added. In this case, we are adding a technician user. The same can be done for other roles, such as requester.


Don't forget to click on invite user.
Now, the technician will receive an
invitation on the email registered.

Accept Invitation
The technician will open the invitation email and click on the accept button.
This will then send the user to the registration page, where all the information should be filled out. 

First login
Make sure you proceed to your first login. 

Download app
After registering, find the cellphones app center, and search for Valuekeep's technician app.
Hit install.

First in-app log in
After downloading the app, click on login, and enter the same info used during the registration phase.

All set
After prompt with the success login note, the technician can now return to the app
and make full use of the Valuekeep CMMS.
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